Review: Eragon

Christopher Paolini – Eragon

  • Publisher: Laurel-Leef Books
  • number of pages: 754
  • Part of a series: Yes – it is the first out of four parts.
  • Contents:
    Eragon lives in peace together with his uncle and his cousin. One day he goes hunting in a near mountain range, called  the Spine. There he finds a mysterious stone — which is an egg of a dragon. Eragon finds out one night when a dragon hatches from it. He takes care of the dragon, Saphira, and becomes a Dragon Rider. An exciting jouney begins for Eragon and his dragon as they experience what could not be imagined before and find out things that they had never expected.
  • Review:
    It was a real good book and I can hardly believe that was written by a fifteen year old. I loved to listen to the very exciting book and follow the fortune of the Dragon Rider and his dragon, when my boyfriend read it to me. I have been deep inside the story and could really feel how it was for Eragon and his friends. I liked it very much to follow his development and accompany him on his path to become a real Dragon Rider.  I liked the characters, whom Eragon meets on his way. I like, Saphira most, but also  Brom, Murtagh, Arya and Solembum. They bring friendship, love and some funny moments into the story. I can recommend this book to all people, who love fantasy with dragons,  Elves and much of magic. It is a wonderfull book and I am happy to have started with the next part of the series directly when we  finished this book.
  • Evaluation:  
Dieser Eintrag wurde veröffentlicht in English Books und verschlagwortet mit , , , , von Stephi. Permanenter Link zum Eintrag.

Über Stephi

Mein Name ist Stephi Hermann, ich bin Mama von zwei wundervollen Kindern , komme aus Hamburg, bin 40 Jahre alt und liebe Bücher über alles :-). Am liebsten lese ich sie gemütlich in meiner Hängematte in der Sonne oder mit leckerer Schokolade auf dem Sofa. Dabei mag ich es, wenn mich die Bücher in immer neue Welten entführen, egal ob sie in der echten Welt oder in der Phantasie spielen, sie eher romantisch sind oder mir beim Lesen eine Gänsehaut über den Rücken laufen lassen. Die Mischung macht´s. Deshalb lese ich nicht nur Bücher für Erwachsene, sondern sehr gerne auch Bücher für Jugendliche und Kinder.

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