Review: Reckless

Cornelia Funke – Reckless

  • Publisher: Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
  • number of pages: 400
  • Part of a series: No
  • Contents:
    Jacob Reckless found a mysterical mirrow in his fathers room, when he was a child. Since this time he often vanishes into the world behind the mirrow, in which fairy tales are alive. Everything is okay untill his little brother Will followes him and is attacked  and infected with a curse, which makes him transform into a Goyl – a brutal species made of stone. Jacob wants to stop his transformation and to rescue his brother from the dangers of the world behind the mirrow. He ist not alone: Clara, Wills girlfriend and Fox, a shape-shivting vixin acompany him on his way, but there are many enemies and other dangers…
  • Review:
    Actually, I had planed to read this book in German, but than I made a mistake and ordered the book online without checking if it has the correct language. So I took it as a sign and decided to read it in English together with my boyfriend. Although I liked the books of the „Tintenwelt-Trilogie“ more, „Reckless“ was a really good book and very exciting to read. Sometimes the English fairy-tale-themes were hard to recognize in the book, but I much liked to be reminded of many of them while reading „Reckless“. I loved all the different characters of the story, but most I liked Fox and how she acts to help Jacob. I think the story is wonderful for children as well as for adults, who like the world of fairy-tales. You can live with Jacob in the story and try to rescue his brother together with him and while you do, you can learn much about love and which power it has and how important your family can be. I hope there will be a continuation of the story one day.
  • Evaluation:  
Dieser Eintrag wurde veröffentlicht in Rezensionen 2011 und verschlagwortet mit , , von Stephi. Permanenter Link zum Eintrag.

Über Stephi

Mein Name ist Stephi Hermann, ich bin Mama von zwei wundervollen Kindern , komme aus Hamburg, bin 40 Jahre alt und liebe Bücher über alles :-). Am liebsten lese ich sie gemütlich in meiner Hängematte in der Sonne oder mit leckerer Schokolade auf dem Sofa. Dabei mag ich es, wenn mich die Bücher in immer neue Welten entführen, egal ob sie in der echten Welt oder in der Phantasie spielen, sie eher romantisch sind oder mir beim Lesen eine Gänsehaut über den Rücken laufen lassen. Die Mischung macht´s. Deshalb lese ich nicht nur Bücher für Erwachsene, sondern sehr gerne auch Bücher für Jugendliche und Kinder.

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