Review: The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie

Alan Bradley – The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie

  • Publisher :Orion Publishing Group
  • number of pages : 384
  • Part of a series:  Yes – It is the first of a few Flavia de Luce books.
  • Contents:
    Buckshaw  (England) in 1950: The eleven years old Falvia de Luce lives together with her father and her two sisters in an old house, called Buckshaw. She loves chemistry and exspecially poison. One day a dead bird lays in front of the door and a day later Flavia finds a dead person in the cucumber patch. Now she startes her investigation and helps she police to find the truth and to rescues her father from jail. While her investigations she finds out al lot about the past of her dad. And a special stamp playes an important role – it is the mysterious Penny Orange, which all philatelists would wish to own.
  • Review:
    The book was excitingly and I loved to investigate together with Flavia and make my own suggestions what had happened. But the book was a little bit hard to read because of the language, which had often been difficult to understand and  there have been many word, which I hadn´t known before an I had to search in a dictionary. But nevertheless I loved the book and I am am locking forward to read the next part of the series. I fall in love with Flavia, who is such a wonderful girl an I like the very good story, which had never become boring.
  • Evaluation:  
Dieser Eintrag wurde veröffentlicht in English Books, Rezensionen 2011 und verschlagwortet mit von Stephi. Permanenter Link zum Eintrag.

Über Stephi

Mein Name ist Stephi Hermann, ich bin Mama von zwei wundervollen Kindern , komme aus Hamburg, bin 40 Jahre alt und liebe Bücher über alles :-). Am liebsten lese ich sie gemütlich in meiner Hängematte in der Sonne oder mit leckerer Schokolade auf dem Sofa. Dabei mag ich es, wenn mich die Bücher in immer neue Welten entführen, egal ob sie in der echten Welt oder in der Phantasie spielen, sie eher romantisch sind oder mir beim Lesen eine Gänsehaut über den Rücken laufen lassen. Die Mischung macht´s. Deshalb lese ich nicht nur Bücher für Erwachsene, sondern sehr gerne auch Bücher für Jugendliche und Kinder.

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